Backstreet Boys with Tena Jackson Quesada
We are tremendously giddy about this episode because it's about THE BACKSTREET BOYS, and we are joined by out hilarious and really smart longtime friend and former radio host, Tena Jackson Quesada. As usual, a lot of laughter, but also quizzes, and some singing, and a warm embrace of all things Howie, Nick, Brian, AJ and Kevin. Always Kevin. ENJOY.
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More about Tena:
Graduated with a Bachelor's in Spanish from St. Mary's College of MD and a Master's in Teaching ESL from Framingham Univ. I have lived in Costa Rica for 31 years. I have worked for 25 years as an educator for high school and university students. I was a part-time DJ at a local radio station for several years (rock only!). As of 3 years ago, I am a blog writer for several New Jersey and Pennsylvania law firms. My hobbies include learning to swim, watching Australian Border Force on YouTube, and going to the movies with my handsome husband. We both abhor Rom Coms and enjoy small budget films. We also love stand-up.